陸敏捷/Lu Minjie
陸敏捷,自幼學習鋼琴,本科畢業(yè)于電子科技大學,獲工學學士;四川音樂學院第一個電子音樂專業(yè)碩士;文藝與傳媒專業(yè)博士在讀,致力新媒體音樂的創(chuàng)作與研究,并任教于川音作曲系。電子音樂《往生極樂——為5.12大地震遇難者而作》唯一中國作品入選2011美國首屆Sonic Rain電子音樂會系列;作品《流水與變形——為古琴與Max/MSP程序而作》在第28屆IAWM國際女性音樂聯(lián)盟新音樂作品比賽,電子音樂/多媒體音樂組中獲Pauline Oliveros唯一大獎;作品《覓途——為鋼琴與現(xiàn)場電子音樂而作》電子音樂設計,獲2009中國首屆eARTS數(shù)字音頻大賽“聲音設計”三等獎;兩篇論文《基于Max/MSP平臺交互式電子音樂的算法模式》、《在一個特殊‘琴箱’里的聲音藝術》均獲2009中國首屆eARTS數(shù)字音頻大賽音響評鑒二等獎;論文《互動音樂作品<覓途>的設計與思考》獲北京國際電子音樂節(jié)第二屆學術論文比賽二等獎(一等獎空缺);2009年赴美國俄勒岡大學音樂學院多媒體音樂中心學習交流;2012北德克薩斯大學電子音樂學術互訪計劃成員;備選國家留學基金委“西部項目”訪問學者。
Lu Minjie (Iris Lu) began to study playing the piano from her childhood, and she received her bachelor degree of engineering from University of Electronic Technology Science, China. She studied electronic music and composition with Professor Yang Xinmin; She entered Sichuan Conservatory of Music with the highest score, and is the first graduate student who received master's degree from Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Electronic Music; After her graduation in Chengdu, she is teaching in Composition Department, and devotes herself in researching and composing interactive music; She composed the electronic Music "regain Life in a bliss——for the victims in 5.12 Large Earthquake"Her composition "Flowing Water and Distortion——for Guqin and Max/MSP" won the Pauline Oliveros Prize given by 28th International Alliance for Women; The Sound design of composition "On My Way" won the Third Prize of Group "Sound Design" given by 2009 Chinese eARTS Digital Audio Competition. Two papers "The New Notion of Algorithmic Pattern’s Application in the Sound Design of Interactive Electronic Music" and "The Sound Art of A Special 'Box'" both received the secondary award from "2009 Chinese eARTS Digital Audio Competition"; She was the second author of tutorial "Professional in Audio Processing of Adobe Audion 2.0", which was published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Press in 2008; She went to the Dance and Music School of University of Oregon for academic exchange in 2009.