2000.9– 2004.6,湖北大學(xué),物理學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),本科,獲學(xué)士學(xué)位
2004.9– 2006.6,武漢大學(xué),凝聚態(tài)物理專(zhuān)業(yè),獲碩士學(xué)位
2011.9– 2014.6,湘潭大學(xué),凝聚態(tài)物理專(zhuān)業(yè),獲博士學(xué)位
2006.6– 2014.6,湖南科技大學(xué)物理學(xué)院工作
2014.7 -至今,湘潭大學(xué)物理與光電工程學(xué)院工作
Zongyu Huang
, Weijia Han, Hongli Tang, Long Ren, D. Sathish Chander, Xiang Qi, Han Zhang.Photoelectrochemical-type sunlight photodetector based on MoS/graphene heterostructure. 2D Materials
, 2015, 2(3): 035011.2)
Zongyu Huang
, Weijia Han, Xuejun Liu, Xiang Qi, Jianxin Zhong. Graphene/MoShybrid structure and its photoresponse property. Ceramics International
, 2014, 40(8): 11971-11974.3)Hui Qiao,
Zongyu Huang*
, Xiaohui Ren, Hao Yao, Siwei Luo, Pinghua Tang, Xiang Qi, Jianxin Zhong.Photoresponse improvement in liquid-exfoliated SnSe nanosheets by reduced graphene oxide hybridization. Journal of Materials Science
, 2018, 53(6): 4371-4377.4)Xinhang Chen,
Zongyu Huang*
, Xiaohui Ren, Guanghua Xu, Jie Zhou, Yue Tao, Xiang Qi, and Jianxin Zhong. Photodetectors based on SnS2/Graphene heterostructure on rigid and flexible substrates. ChemNanoMat.
, 2018.5)
Zongyu Huang
, Xiang Qi, Hong Yang, Chaoyu He, Xiaolin Wei, Xiangyang Peng, Jianxin Zhong.Band-gap engineering of h-BN/MoS/h-BN sandwich heterostructure under external electric field. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
, 2015, 48(20): 205302.6)
Zongyu Huang
, Chaoyu He, Xiang Qi, Hong Yang, Wenliang Liu, Xiaolin Wei, Xiangyang Peng, Jianxin Zhong.Band structure engineering of monolayer MoSon h-BN: first-principles calculations. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
, 2014, 47(7): 075301.7)
Zongyu Huang
, Guolin Hao, Chaoyu He, Hong Yang, Lin Xue, Xiang Qi, Xiangyang Peng, Jianxin Zhong.Density functional theory study of Fe adatoms adsorbed monolayer and bilayer MoSsheets. Journal of Applied Physics
, 2013, 114: 083706.8)
Zongyu Huang*
, Yanbin Wu, Xiang Qi, Chaoyu He, Xiaohui Ren, Jianxin Zhong.Electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer phosphorene doped with transition-metal atoms. Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics
, 2018.9)Shuhua Liu,
Zongyu Huang*
, Xiaohui Ren, Xinhang Chen, Hui Qiao, Pinghua Tang, Xiang Qi. P25/Black phosphorus/Graphene hybrid for enhanced Photocatalytic activity.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
, 2018, 27(6): 4441-4448.10)Yongzhen Shen, Xiaohui Ren, Guanghua Xu,
Zongyu Huang*,
Xiang Qi. Mixed-dimensional TiOnanoparticles with MoSenanosheets for photochemical hydrogen generation. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
, 2017, 28(2): 2023–2028.11)Xinhang Chen, Hongli Tang,
Zongyu Huang*
, Jie Zhou, Xiaohui Ren, Kai Huang, Xiang Qi, Jianxin Zhong. Flexible Bismuth Selenide/Graphene composite paper for lithium-ion batteries. Ceramics International
, 2017, 43(1): 1437–1442.12)
Zongyu Huang
, Zhen Zhang, Xiang Qi, Xiaohui Ren, Guanghua Xu, Pengbo Wan, Xiaoming Sun, Han Zhang. Wall-like hierarchical metal oxide nanosheet arrays grown on carbon cloth for excellent supercapacitor electrodes. Nanoscale
, 2016, 8: 13273-13279.13)Zhen Zhang, Yundan Liu,
Zongyu Huang*
, Long Ren, Xiang Qi, Xiaolin Wei, Jianxin Zhong.Facile hydrothermal synthesis of NiMoO@CoMoOhierarchical nanospheres for supercapacitor applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
, 2015, 17: 20795-20804.14)
Zongyu Huang
, Xiangyang Peng, Hong Yang, Chaoyu He, Lin Xue, Guolin Hao, Chunxiao Zhang, Wenliang Liu, Xiang Qi, Jianxin Zhong.The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of bi-layered MoSwith transition-metals doped in the interlayer. RSC Advances
, 2013, 3: 12939-12944.15)Zhongjun Li, Hui Qiao, Zhinan Guo, Xiaohui Ren,
Zongyu Huang
, Xiang Qi, Sathish Chander Dhanabalan, Joice Sophia Ponraj, Du Zhang, Jianqing Li, Jinlai Zhao, Jianxin Zhong and Han Zhang. High-performance photo-electrochemical photo-detector based on liquid exfoliated few-layer InSe nanosheets with enhanced stability. Advanced Functional Materials
, 2017
. 7, 1700396.16)Xiaohui Ren, Jie Zhou, Xiang Qi, Yundan Liu,
Zongyu Huang
, Zhongjun Li, YanqiGe, Sathish Chander Dhanabalan, Joice Sophia Ponraj, Shuangyin Wang, Jianxin Zhong, Han Zhang. Few-layer black Phosphorus nanosheets as electrocatalysts for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Advanced Energy Materials
, 2017, 7(19): 1700396.17)Xiaohui Ren, Zhongjun Li,
Zongyu Huang
, David Sang, Hui Qiao, Xiang Qi, Jianqing Li, Jianxin Zhong, Han Zhang.Environmentally robust black Phosphorus nanosheets in solution: application for self-powered photodetector. Advanced Functional Materials
, 2017, 27(18):1606834. (Inset Back Cover)
18)Xinhang Chen, Guanghua Xu , Xiaohui Ren, Zhongjun Li, Xiang Qi, Kai Huang, Han Zhang,
Zongyu Huang
, Jianxin Zhong. Black/red phosphorus hybrid as an electrode material for high-performance Li-ion battery and supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A
, 2017, 5(14): 6581-6588.19)Xiaohui Ren, Xiang Qi, Yongzhen Shen, Si Xiao, Guanghua Xu, Zhen Zhang,
Zongyu Huang
, Jianxin Zhong. Two dimensional co-catalytic MoSnanosheets embedded with 1D TiOnanoparticles for enhancing photocatalytic activity. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
, 2016, 49(31): 315304.