




HymenopterasmallBraconidae (Braconidae) of the known insect, known Haliday. With similar Ichneumonidae, mostly small species, abdomen shorter width. For the Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera, Diptera in a variety of natural enemies of pests. larvae pupate in thehostbodyor old cooked drilled in the host body surface toform asmall yellow orwhitecocoon to pupate, which brought together dozens oftimes. such as thecabbagebutterflyApanteles (Apantelesglomeratus), about 3 mm, parasitic on the cabbage butterfly larvae, the larvae mature and old host surfaceafterthe junction of many small yellow cocoon. avenae Haliday (EphedrusplaAgiator), in thewheataphid, green peachaphid and other body pupate. the body is only one of each aphidbee, host become darker in color and swollen ashardas balls, eclosion from the abdomen, wearing a hole on the back of biting fly out tofindanother host.ChinaHaliday (Braconchinensis), about 4 mm, is rice borer andsugarcaneborer common parasitic bee.