張海春,1965年3月出生于吉林省吉林市。1989年畢業(yè)于南京大學地球科學系古生物學及地層學專業(yè),1992年在中科院南京地質(zhì)古生物研究所獲得理學碩士學位,1999年在中科院南京地質(zhì)古生物研究所獲得理學博士學位?,F(xiàn)為江蘇省古生物學會理事、江蘇省昆蟲學會理事、遼寧省古生物化石鑒定委員會委員、美國昆蟲學會(Entomological Society of America)會員;《地層學雜志》和《生物進化》編委。



















國家自然科學基金面上項目《內(nèi)蒙古道虎溝膜翅目昆蟲群的深入研究》(40472001);國家重點基礎研究發(fā)展規(guī)劃項目(973)《地史時期海陸生物多樣性的演變》(2006CB806405) 子課題“熱河生物群與白堊紀陸地生物多樣性的形成”;美國科學基金會(NSF)Tree of Life 項目Large Scale Phylogeny of Hymenoptera (EF-0337220)。 2004年獲得江蘇省科技進步一等獎(第3完成人)。


中生代昆蟲及地層; 熱河生物群; 中生代陸地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)


Haichun Zhang, Rasnitsyn, A. P. 2006. Two new anaxyelid sawflies (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Siricoidea) from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Cretaceous Research, 27(2): 279-284.

Bo Wang, Haichun Zhang, Yan Fang, Zhili Zhang. 2006. A new genus and species of Palaeontinidae (Insecta: Hemiptera) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. Annales Zoologici, 56(4): 757-762.

Bo Wang, Haichun Zhang, Yan Fang, Ye Duan. 2006. Revision of the genus Sinopalaeocossus Hong (Hemiptera: Palaeontinidae), with description of a new species from the Middle Jurassic of China. Zootaxa 1349: 37–45.

Rasnitsyn A. P., Haichun Zhang, Bo Wang. 2006. Bizarre fossil insects: web-spinning sawflies of the genus Ferganolyda (Vespida, Pamphilioidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. Palaeontology, 49(4): 907-916.

Rasnitsyn, A. P., Ansorge, J. and Zhang, Haichun. 2006. Ancestry of the orussoid wasps, with descriptionof three new genera and species of Karatavitidae (Hymenoptera = Vespida: Karatavitoidea stat. nov.). Insect Systematics & Evolution. 37: 179–190.

Bo Wang, Haichun Zhang, Yan Fang. 2006. Gansucossus, a replacement name for Yumenia Hong, 1982 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Palaeontinidae), with description of a new genus. Zootaxa 1268: 59–68.

Bo Wang, Haichun Zhang, Yan Fang. 2006. Some Jurassic Palaeontinidae (Insecta, Hemiptera) from Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. Palaeoworld, 15(1): 115-125.

Pei-Ji Chen, Jianjun Li, Masaki Matsukawa, Haichun Zhang, Qifei Wang and Martin G. Lockley. 2006. Geological ages of dinosaur-track-bearing formations in China. Cretaceous Research 27(1): 22-32.

Haichun Zhang, A. P. Rasnitsyn, 2004. Pelecinid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea) from the Mesozoic of Russia and Mongolia. Cretaceous Research, 25(6):807-825.

Rasnitsyn A. P., Haichun Zhang. 2004. Composition and age of the Daohugou Hymenopteran (Insecta, Hymenopter=Vespida) Assemblage from Inner Mongolia, China. Palaeontology, 47(6): 1507-1517.

陳丕基,王啟飛,張海春,曹美珍,黎文本,吳舜卿,沈炎彬. 2004. 論義縣組尖山溝層. 中國科學(D), 34(10): 883-895. [CHEN Peiji, WANG Qifei, ZHANG Haichun, CAO Meizhen, LI Wenben, WU Shunqing & SHEN Yanbin. 2005. Jianshangou Bed of the Yixian Formation in West Liaoning, China. Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences Vol.48 No.3 298—312]

Rasnitsyn A.P., and Zhang H.C. 2004. A new family, Daohugoidae fam. n., of syricomorph hymenopteran (Hymenoptera = Vespida) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou in Inner Mongolia (China). Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. 75(1): 12-16.

Zhang Jun-feng, Zhang Hai-chun. 2003. Insects and spiders. In: Chang Mee-mann et al. (eds), The Jehol Biota: The Emergence of Feathered Dinosaurs, Beaked Birds and Flowering Plants. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers. pp.59~67.

張海春, 王啟飛, 張俊峰. 2003. 新疆準噶爾盆地侏羅紀的幾種昆蟲化石. 古生物學報, 42(4): 548-551

Junfeng Zhang, Haichun Zhang. 2003. Two new species of archisargids (Insecta: Diptera: Archisargidae) from the Upper Jurassic Daohugou Formation (Inner Mongolia, Northeastern China). Paleontologicheskij zhurnal, (2003)4: 72-75 (in Russian with an English abstract).

Zhang Junfeng, Zhang Haichun. 2003. Kalligramma jurarchegonium sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Kalligrammatidae) from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China. Oriental Insects, 37: 301-308.

Haichun Zhang, A. P. Rasnitsyn, 2003. Some ichneumonids (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) from the Upper Mesozoic of China and Mongolia. Cretaceous Research, 24(2): 193-202.

Ogg編. 戎嘉余,李建國,張海春,朱學劍譯. 2003. 全球已批準的和潛在的層型剖面和點(GSSPs). 地層學雜志, 27(1): 11-18.

Zhang Haichun, Rasnitsyn, A. P., Zhang Junfeng. 2002. Two ephialtitid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Ephialtitoidea) from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Cretaceous Research, 23(3): 401-407.

Zhang Haichun, Rasnitsyn, A. P., Zhang Junfeng. 2002. Pelecinid wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea) from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Cretaceous Research, 23(1): 87-98.

Zhang Haichun, Rasnitsyn, A. P., Zhang Junfeng. 2002. The oldest known scoliid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) from the Jehol biota of western Liaoning, China. Cretaceous Research, 23(1): 77-86.

張俊峰, 張海春. 2001. 昆蟲與蜘蛛,見:張彌曼等主編,熱河生物群。上??萍汲霭嫔? 39-44頁.

Zhang Junfeng, Zhang Haichun. 2001. New findings of larval and adult aeschnidiids (Insecta: Odonata) in the Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, China. Cretaceous Research, 22(4): 443-450.

張海春, 張俊峰,魏東濤. 2001. 陷胸莖蜂亞科(昆蟲綱)化石在我國遼西上侏羅統(tǒng)的發(fā)現(xiàn)及其系統(tǒng)演化. 古生物學報, 40(2): 224-228.

張海春, 張俊峰. 2001. 遼西義縣組細蜂總科(昆蟲綱, 膜翅目)昆蟲化石. 微體古生物學報, 18(1): 11-28.

張海春, 張俊峰. 2000. 遼西義縣組長節(jié)鋸蜂科(昆蟲綱, 膜翅目)昆蟲化石. 古生物學報, 39(4): 476-692.

張海春, 張俊峰. 2000. 原舉腹蜂科(昆蟲綱, 膜翅目)化石在我國的發(fā)現(xiàn)及意義. 微體古生物學報, 17(4): 416-421.

張海春, 張俊峰. 2000. 東北侏羅紀中細蜂科一新屬(膜翅目). 昆蟲分類學報, 22(4): 279-282.

張海春, 張俊峰. 2000. 北票尖山溝義縣組下部兩種膜翅目昆蟲化石. 微體古生物學報, 17(3): 286-290.

汪筱林, 王元青, 張福成, 張江永, 周忠和, 金帆, 胡耀明, 顧罡, 張海春. 2000. 遼寧凌源及內(nèi)蒙古寧城地區(qū)下白堊統(tǒng)義縣組脊椎動物生物地層. 古脊椎動物學報,38(2): 81-99.

楊偉平,張海春,徐放鳴. 1998. 滇西中二疊世疑源類化石Micrhystridium的超微結(jié)構(gòu)新研究. 科學通報,43(2):206-208 [Yang Weiping, Zhang Haichun, Xu Fangming. 1998. A tentative study on the ultrastructure of middle Permian acritarch Micrhystridium from West Yunnan. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(13): 1823-1826]

Zhang Haichun. 1997. Jurassic palaeontinids from Karamai, Xinjiang, with a discussion of Palaeontinidae (Homoptera, Palaeontinidae) in China. Entomologia Sinica, 4(4):312-323.

黃迪穎, 張海春. 1997. 京西早白堊世丸甲(昆蟲綱,鞘翅目)化石. 南京大學學報(自然科學), 33(4):562-570.

Zhang Haichun. 1997. Early Cretaceous insects from the Dalazi Formation of the Zhixin Basin, Jilin Province, China. Palaeoworld, 7:75-103.

張海春. 1997. 新疆準噶爾盆地侏羅紀叩頭蟲科(昆蟲綱,鞘翅目)一新屬. 微體古生物學報, 14(1):71-77.

張海春. 1996. 鳴螽科化石在西北地區(qū)的首次發(fā)現(xiàn). 昆蟲分類學報, 18(4): 249-252.

楊偉平, 張海春, 王冰, 徐放鳴. 1996. 化石研究的新技術(shù)——激光掃描共聚焦顯微系統(tǒng). 古生物學報,35(6): 730-733.

陳中強, 張海春, 李建國. 1996. 南京附近寧鎮(zhèn)山脈下石炭統(tǒng)層序地層特征. 巖相古地理,16(5):38-46.

張海春, 林啟彬. 1996. 第四紀甲蟲研究方法及意義. 微體古生物學報,13(3): 313-320.

張海春. 1996. 新疆準噶爾盆地中生代直脈科(昆蟲綱, 長翅目)昆蟲化石. 古生物學報, 35(4): 442-454.





