代表著作和學術論文:1.Lv Ruihua, Li Zhujun, Na Bing, Cooperative effect of molecular orientation and beta-form on toughening injection-molded isotactic polypropylene with beta-nucleating agent, Journal of Applied Polymer Science2012,125, 2764-2770.
2.Na Bing, Zou Shufen, Lv Ruihua, Luo Mingbiao, Pan Huayan, Yin Qiang, Unusual cold crystallization behavior in physically aged poly(L-lactide), Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011, 115(37), 10844-10848.
3.Lv Ruihua, Na Bing, Tian Nana, Zou Shufen, Li Zhujun, Jiang Shichun, Mesophase formation and its thermal transition in the stretched glassy polylactide revealed by infrared spectroscopy, Polymer, 2011, 52(21), 4979-4984.
4.Lv Ruihua, Na Bing, Li Zhujun, Zou Shufen, Tian Nana, Chen Feng, Fu Qiang, Stretch-induced shish-kebabs in rubbery poly(L-Lactide), Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B-Physics, 2011, 50(10), 2042-2049.
5.Na Bing, Lv Ruihua, Zou Shufen, Li Zhujun, Tian Nana, Fu Qiang, Spectroscopic evidence of melting of ordered structures in the aged glassy poly(L-lactide), Macromolecules, 2010,43(4), 1702-1705.
6.Na Bing, Xu Wenfei, Lv Ruihua, Li Zhujun, Tian Nana, Zou Shufen, Toughening of nylon-6 by semicrystalline poly (vinylidene fluoride): Role of phase transformation and fibrillation of dispersed particles, Macromolecules, 2010, 43(8), 3911-3915.
7.Na Bing, Tian Nana, Lv Ruihua, Li Zhujun, Xu Wenfei, Fu Qiang, Evidence of sequential ordering during cold crystallization of poly(L-lactide), Polymer, 2010, 51(2), 563-567.
8.Tian Nana, Lv Ruihua, Na Bing, Xu Wenfei, Li Zhujun, Molecular origin of enhanced strength in the monofilament of syndiotactic polypropylene because of annealing: A micro-FTIR study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113(45), 14920-14924.
9.Xu Wenfei, Lv Ruihua, Na Bing, Tian Nana, Li Zhujun, Fu Qiang, Micro-FTIR study of molecular orientation at crack tip in nylon 6/clay nanocomposite: Insight into fracture mechanism, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113(29), 9664-9668.
10.Lv Ruihua, Na Bing, Xu Wenfei, Yu Pingsheng, Chen Rong, Large strain tensile deformation and failure in oriented isotactic polypropylene/clay nanocomposite: Role of voiding and molecular orientation, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B-Physics, 2009, 48(3), 449-461.
11.Na Bing, Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Chen Rong, Zhao Zunxin, Yi Yong, Effect of nucleating duality on the formation of gamma-phase in a beta-nucleated isotactic polypropylene copolymer, Polymer International, 2008, 57(10), 1128-1133.
12.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing, Yan Junzhang, Correlation of mechanical behaviors with crystalline phase and related cavitation in isotactic polypropylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 108(5), 3185-3190.
13.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing, Zhang Qin, Fu Qiang, Large tensile deformation behavior of oriented high-density polyethylene: A correlation between cavitation and lamellar fragmentation, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 2008, 46(12), 1202-1206.
14.Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Na Bing, Chen Bibo, Insight into the role of filler network in the viscoelasticity of a carbon black filled thermoplastic elastomer: A strain dependent electrical conductivity study, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B-Physics, 2008, 47(4), 774-782.
15.Na Bing, Lv Ruihua, Xu Wenfei, Yu Pingsheng, Wang Ke, Fu Qiang, Inverse temperature dependence of strain hardening in ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene: Role of lamellar coupling and entanglement density, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111(46),13206-13210.